we decided to celebrate sean's "half birthday" for a few reasons. 1: we remembered for the first time, 2: it gave us a fun reason to celebrate and eat cake, and 3:we hoped it would make the second half of sean's seventh year a little better than the first. seven has been harder for sean than i thought. i built it up so much as being my favorite year of life and it just wasn't so for sean. he has been stuck in a transition from little to big and couldn't find his way. it's weird though, as he approached the half year all of his struggling seem to fade away. the half year is one of the great lessons i have learned from my older sister and it is always true! the half year brings change - sometimes good, sometimes bad. he is so much more relaxed and content with himself. he is not really bored as much and seems generally in good spirits. he wants more responsibility and freedom which is extremely hard for me! even this morning he refused to let me make his breakfast and he even made his own half birthday cake. i think these 6 months are going to be harder for me as i watch him grow. the worst part is that he is only a foot shorter than me now. i can't believe that i will have this big tall guy one day...

angie rae, ann, mia, and leif came over and we had a great day. the kids played inside and out and it seemed like a great start to sean's second half of seven.

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