well, after some camera failure, we are back. the kids finally got over their sickness. we celebrated a little with the help of Nana Beth and pop pop Henry who brought lots of laughs, yummy treats, and some much needed companionship. the kids were so happy to see someone other than me after being in quarantine for 2 weeks!

and in our family, grandparents always seem to bring 1 thing...DONUTS! and for some reason it always works...

the kids were so content after their treats that all 3 snuggled up together with blankets, using sparky for a pillow. he loved it as much as they did.

being sick wasn't so bad after all. we had 2 really great weeks ( after all of the throwing up and fevers were done). we relaxed, snuggled, read stories and did some art projects. there was no where to go, nothing that needed to get done...except the sheets, and luckily no stress of making up missed schoolwork! we learned more when were sick than we do on most days. we learned much greater lessons. we got to sit back and enjoy each other, have quality time and talk. we took care of eachother and we actually had fun. the exciting visit wore them out though. i never saw the three of them fall asleep so quickly. they were so precious.
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