our lesson plan for today...explore!!! we set off on a journey today. we had our book bags packed and our minds open.

as we were crossing the bridge into the woods i stopped the kids and told them to keep their eyes open. they asked why. i told them that there is a world of possibilities if they do. i noticed
some skepticism. however, our first turn around the bend was all the proof they needed...

a real live snake!! lila wanted to run at first but soon got in the spirit and we moved on, now keeping our eyes wide open! we found some cool things on our journey...

the sweetest duck couple who never left each other's side...

an ancient burial chamber discovered by sean...

and 2 super sweet kids who told each other all day how much they loved the other one...

my favorite was seeing sean find peace and contentment in his day. something not very easy for him to do.
this was a good day.